Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

As you may know, we participated in a photo session at the beginning of July as part of The Littlest Heroes Project.

The Littlest Heroes Project (Inspiration through Art)is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young people to give back, and make a difference through the beauty of art. They are artists with a passion for giving and inspiring others. Through their artistic talents they are able to come together as one and let children around the world know that they are loved despite the challenges they face everyday.

The mission of Inspiration Through Art is to help provide and capture memories for families who are dealing with hectic schedules due to having a child who is suffering from a serious illness or life altering disability. They are there to offer emotional support through the beauty and expression art has to offer, as a way of healing and coping. They understand that in the midst of being thrown a diagnosis and having to switch from a “normal” life to a life that is totally different, and often scary, things like getting photos taken is sometimes a huge challenge and is one of the last things families are thinking about. But when everything is done, and either the child has reached the end of their battle, or has proven the odds against it many wish they had more time to stop, and capture the journey that they lived through for so long. Through Inspiration Through Art- photographers and volunteers understand each and every case, and cater it to fit and honor each child and family.

To find out more about Inspiration Through Art (The Littlest Heroes Project) click here.

We were accepted into this program and paired with an amazing photographer, J. She is incredibly talented and we feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to work with her. Thank you, J! A mere thank you does not seem sufficient to tell you how thankful we are!

We met with J at a local garden for her to take pictures of Sweetpea and have a few family pictures taken. I also really wanted pictures of Sweetpea having her blood sugar tested. For some reason, we had no pictures of the D routine. I guess we're so busy DOING it that we don't take time to capture it.

Until now...

I wish that I could upload every single picture she took. They are THAT good! The saying goes that "a picture is worth a thousand words". Well, these pictures are worth more than that. These pics are priceless!

Take a look for yourself...

J captured my little girl as she truly is. Happy. Smiling. Silly. Confident. Serious. Spunky.


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