Have you ever wondered what kind of pump the Princess uses?
We pump with a PINK Animas Ping!
In fact, our ONE YEAR pumpiversary was on Thursday!
After reading Wendy's great post about why they chose the Animas, I decided that I really needed to clean up my old post and get it over here.... so here it is!
I agree with everything that Wendy said! I also think my post addressed the same questions that she answered. The only other thing I will add is about the sites. We have NEVER had a problem with a site not sticking or staying put. They are difficult to remove after 3 or 4 days - even when she's gone swimming each and every day. They stick to her like super glue! But not THAT well because getting them off is not really an issue for us either!
We LOVE our pump! Is the Ping for you? Well.... You have to make the decision for yourself. But I think you'll find lots of helpful information and video clips on my original post! So go take a look! And I'm always here to answer any questions you may have! I'm no expert- but I'll help in any way I can!

yay for Pings!! J uses silver one and we love it! but you know that already huh ;)