We have a few holiday traditions around The Princess and The Pump house that are very special to us. It's hard to believe that Christmas is only a week away! So I thought I would share a few of those traditions with you before the big day comes and goes.
One of Sweetpea's favorite traditions is our Advent Tree. This was something that I did as a child and I always LOVED it. Of course, my tree was filled with small presents and candy. Sweetpea's tree is candy free. She gets things like lip gloss, stickers, pens, etc. Thank Goodness for the dollar bin at Target! She rushes downstairs each morning to check it out. Only problem is that I have a terrible time remembering to put stuff in it each night!
Last year was the first year for our elf on a shelf. Sweetpea named him Mr. Funky. Don't ask.... That was all her idea. He appeared right after Thanksgiving. But, just like last year, he was not allowed to go back to the North Pole each night. He has to stay here! And we totally disregard the rule about not touching him. Most of the time he sleeps with Sweetpea.
This year, I had a great idea. I saw that there were bigger stuffed elf on shelfs. I thought this was great! He would be much better to sleep with - much more cuddly. And then the original Mr Funky could do his job.
Ummm....not so much. We gave Sweetpea her new elf and she was very excited. Until bedtime. I put him in bed next to her and she took one look at him and said, "He's lookin' at me. I don't like how he's lookin' at me. Get him outta my bed. He can sit over there." And there he sits. *sigh*
We still bake cookies. I won't let D take that away from us. That was something I was really worried about last year. We had had so much fun the year before- and she was not quite two. Her job was to help sprinkle and to unwrap the Hershey kisses. She did a great job.... Although she ate a few as she went.
(This is Sweetpea at 21 months, helping to bake cookies! Does seeing pics of your kiddos before D sting a little... or is that just me?)
It really isn't a big deal. Sweetpea helped cut out the cookies this year and she helped roll out the dough and sprinkle the cookies. Of course, she got to eat one as soon as they were done. She got distracted by a Christmas Special on tv and left me on my own about halfway through. D really didn't enter into the equation. Perfect!
My favorite holiday tradition is adopting a family to buy for at Christmas. We usually find a family or a few children and buy them presents. Toys, clothes, shoes... You name it! I LOVE this! This year we got a little girl who is nine years old and likes anything Hannah Montana and Justin Bieber. We had fun picking things out for her! Sweets got a little upset because she wanted the Hannah stuff. But it was a good lesson. I want her to learn by doing this that we are incredibly blessed - and the best thing we can do is to give back and help those not as fortunate as us. I hope that she learns that giving is just as much fun as getting.
Those are just a few of the holiday traditions that we enjoy at our house! I hope you enjoyed a little " look inside the madness"! And I hope that you are enjoying this holiday season and trying - amidst the craziness - to stay focused on the true meaning of Christmas!
(This movie is also one of our favorite traditions!)

So as the jew...whats the story behind elf on a shelf? Its very cute!!! Yes. Seeing pics of J pre-d stings alot for me. I dont know when that will go away. We bake here and there and usually I check Js bg right before if hes low 100s or under I let him just help as I wouldve before D and if not I either hold of or set a temp basal for an hour. Shes younger so I dont know if it would work. Either way love your pics and the traditions!
ReplyDeleteOK...I was totally chuckling at her NOT wanting to sleep with the "bigger" elf b/c he was looking at her. Now that is funny.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing Hallie. I love your traditions and getting to know you and the fam better.
He would be "looking at me too!" LOL ((HUGS))