What makes this really cool is that it is not available in the United States! I feel so "cutting edge"!
The other thing that makes this really cool??? STRIP FREE! As in NO TEST STRIPS!
Let's look at the Mobile...
From the Roche website:
The Accu-Chek Mobile system allows you to test virtually whenever, wherever you want; it’s the only blood glucose meter with the breakthrough Test & Go Technology. A strip-free system with 50 tests on a continuous tape, combined with the Accu-Chek FastClix Mobile lancing device offers a whole new way of testing; simplicity and convenience. Just test. Let the Accu-Chek Mobile system do the rest.
Click HERE to see some videos about the Mobile. I reccomend Dylan's video if you are interested in a child using the device.
Here's what I think about the Mobile:
The Pros:
I LOVED the tape. It was easy and mess free. No test strips to throw away or find all over creation. I love that it has 50 tests before you have to change anything.
You have to be careful, though, because it's not like a strip where you can take it out and put it back in to use it later... It advances automatically so if you mess up, you lose the test.
I love that it has the FastClix attached to it. We use the Multiclix and I don't think I could go back to using a lancet where I had to load it each time.
I like how it's all together in one unit. My original thought was that it would make it easier for Sweets to test herself. Less moving parts... I think that will be true. Right now, she is still pretty small so her hands are not quite big enough yet to easily hold it... but it won't be long. I really see this being easier for kids to use because there is no loading of test strips, no getting out the lancing device... it's all right there. SO EASY!
I found it very easy to use and I really liked it!
The Cons and Suggestions for Improvement:
Because the Mobile has not been approved in the US and it's being used in Canada... the meter reads blood glucose in mmols. That's only a con if you're a Yank like me who has no idea what that converts to and can't multiply by 18 easily!
My only other suggestion for improvement would be to add a little flashlight to the end where the tape is. Like Freestyle has. That is a very, very awesome little piece of wonderful. A light comes in so handy when testing at night or in a movie theater or other dark place!
Would I use it?
I sure would!
Right now, we have the Animas Ping insulin pump and it is linked to a One Touch meter/remote. So... we are kind of tied to that meter because we also use it to bolus and it contains all of her information and such. However, I'm always on the lookout for new, improved products. And finding something that would work better for us or encourage Sweets to want to take more responsibility over her care is important to me.
We won't be using the Mobile because of the mmol thing and the fact that I can't get more tape here in the States.... but I did really, really like it and hope that it is available here soon!
I wasn't the only luck blogger to get this opportunity, though. Nicole, from The We CARA Lot Blog, also is giving her review of the Mobile. Go check out what she thinks by clicking HERE.
I also tested out the Accu-Check Compact.
I was able to get this meter free through a promotion our insurance was doing. I never pass up a free meter! We can always use them at school or at her Grandparent's house or to keep in the car, etc.
I was drawn to the Compact because of it's similarities to the Mobile.
From the Roche website:
The breakthrough glucose meter system with no strips to handle and integrated lancing device.The Compact DOES use test strips but they come in a drum of 17 "preloaded" strips. The Compact comes with the Softclix Plus lancing device.
The Accu-Chek Compact Plus system offers all-in-one convenience by putting everything together: a test strip cartridge, no coding, a detachable lancing device, and bright new characters for easy, one-handed operation.
Here's what I think about the Compact:
The Pros:
I really like the design. Just like the Mobile, I like how it's all in one unit but the lancing device can still detach if you like.
I really see this as something good for kids. Sweets is able to get it all out individually... but small hands combined with fine motor skills that are still developing can make opening a test strip container, getting out ONE, loading it.... difficult and sometimes frustrating. Which leads to not wanting to do it on your own. Having less moving parts is nice. No test strips to put in place. No lancet to lose or drop out of the case (has this ever happened to you???). Very cool.
Also cool is the way you release the strip when done. Fun for kids. It kind of shoots out!
I like the no coding. I like not having to load strips.
The Cons:
It comes with the Softclix lancing device. Like I said before... I am not going back to loading a lancet each time we test. And I DO want to do that because I want to save those little fingers. I know the Softclix is supposed to be good. But we gotta do what works for us. And I won't use anything but the Multi-clix or Fastclix.
You still have strips. You don't load them. But you do release them. So you will still have strips all over creation. Good if you want to make things with medical supplies, though.
Still no light on the meter.... I want a light people!
Bottom line...
I like Accu-chek. We started out with the Aviva before we got the pump. I liked it. A lot. We didn't have NEAR the error messages that we get with the One Touch.
I LOVE the Multclix lancing device. LOVE.
I think that the Compact is a step in the right direction for the US... but I want the strip free meter! The Compact is the best option for us if you're tired of loading strips... but I want the strip free meter! That was just really cool! I found both to be accurate when I compared the result with our One Touch meter. Both were right on!
If we did not have the One Touch meter remote that goes with our pump, I'd switch for good in a heart beat! But since we do... we'll continue to use both. Especially if Sweets find the Compact easier to use and provides her with motivation to take on this aspect of her care.
For more information about Accu-Chek...
Click HERE for the US website.
Click HERE for the Canada website.
Click HERE for the Roche website.
** I was in not asked to blog about Accu-Check meters or lancing devices. I was sent a free Moblie to try. I got the Compact free from a promotion with my insurance. All statements are my opinions. I am not a medical professional and in no way should my opinions be taken as medical advice. I'm not a doctor. I just play one in real life. I'm a Mom. And my daughter's pancreas. **

We have a compact for Justice. He keeps in his tummietote while at school just in case. I like it but hate how if forget to release old strip it kinda gets clogged?
ReplyDelete50 strip drums sound awesome!
Love your blog!
ReplyDeleteI believe God is going to find a cure for your daughter and all the others that have this disease. God is able, that is the reason why we should never ever give up.
I don't have diabetes I've got heart disease no cure for that yet either. But believe, and have faith God will answer you prayers and bring you comfort when its needed. Sorry for the babbling
<3 God Bless
I am from Québec Canada (so I,m french lol) and we started using accu chek mobile today at diner time. I like it so far but as you sait a little slashlight at the end of it would be a great idea! I also think it should come with a proper case! I need to cary at least one cartridge of lancet right!? I went and got a small camera carying bad to put it in it.
ReplyDeleteJacob who is 4 loves it, but yes his hands are a little small to work it!
Keep up the good work, I just love reading you! ;0)
That is so neat!
ReplyDeleteI would love to try this! The idea of no test strips sounds amazing. It really blows my mind that not all meters have a light on them...do they not know how often and where we test?? There isn't always light!! UGH
ReplyDeleteLance uses the Accu-chek Mobile here in Australia, and ever since he has been using it, his A1cs have improved, he feels independent in regards to testing, and the whole "setting up" procedures of testing is something we certainly don't miss!!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing we have become aware of is that it can deliver inconsistent results if the finger is applied to the test strip, rather than the blood droplet only.. False highs have been reported. That's my only complaint (and I like yours too, Haillee, about the light!!!)- but this tester has made testing much more appealing to a 10 year old boy. Slips into his pocket - looks like a cell phone or some kind of device, and no other paraphernalia needed! Glad you loved it too!!!
I liked using mine until it starting reading way higher then I was. Found out it happens if your finger touches the tape. So just make sure only the blood touches the tape. It's fantastic otherwise (though I don't use it since it hates Carelink). Glad you enjoyed it :) So much easier.
ReplyDeleteGreat review Hallie! Love Nic's VLOG too! :)
ReplyDeleteI love mine too I mainly use it for night time blood sugar test. I like waking up and not finding test strips all over my bed.
ReplyDeleteI have a hard time believing that there is something available in CANADA and not the USA. It just boggles my mind something fierce!
ReplyDeleteNo strips to load would be awesome!! I tried the multiclix, but I never could do it right. : P I have to load them individually. Where do I go wrong..I don't know!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to know there are more choices! We love our Nova Max since it uses the smallest amount of blood! : ) .3uLs (or whatever that is!!)
YOu get the coolest stuff! : ) Holly
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. We have a ping too but do not use the onetouch BG meter portion of the remote. The onetouch strips require WAY too much blood to squeeze out of tiny fingers. We are happy to use our freestyle lite meter (with built in flashlight :-) and enter the BG into the Ping remote manually. Also, just a tip in case somebody hasn't thought of it...we have a small key chain flashlight attached to the zipper of our meter case for those middle of the night checks and dark movie theaters :-)
ReplyDeleteUpdate on the Accu Chek Mobile that we are NOT using anymore! This week had 2 lows in a row and the mobile indicated 6.4 mmol(115) and my usual one touch mini 3.0(54) and the second low was at 3.2(57) vs Mobile at 7.2 (129). NOT ACCEPTABLE!! I usually use 2 glucometers the first week just to make sure they are accurate and Accu Chek has a bad history in our D life. Its really too bad because I liked it alot!! :(