It's been a rough one! Sweetpea's last day of preschool was today! She is officially a kindergartener! (Hoe did this happen?!?) We had her Spring Concert the other night and we had to "celebrate" tonight... I have some pictures and video for you soon! Add to that a school board meeting and end of the year testing (my kids are still in school for 2 more weeks). And not sleeping well. D is an entirely different topic. Ever since the "incident" things have been crazy. I feel like we have started over from square one. There are no patterns. Her sensitivity is INSANE. Numbers just plain suck.... That means no sleep. And one tired Mama. I'm not kidding - I have not been this tired EVER. Not even when she was born. This week has kicked my rump.
So anyway, thanks for your patience!
Let's just get to it, shall we?
Drumroll, please.......................................
And the WINNER of the $40 gift certificate to Too Sweet Boutique is..............

We need a new one!! Adam is wearing his original Too Sweet Boutique one out. :)
May 19, 2011 9:29 PM
Woo Hoo! Stephanie, you have 48 hours to get in touch with me! Email me at to claim your prize! I hope Adam picks out a very cool pouch!
Much thanks to Amy at Too Sweet Boutique for her generosity! She is just as amazingly wonderful as her pouches! So.... if you did not win, go on over and buy one anyway! You won't be sorry!

Head on over to see Haley at Naturally Sweett to see what she has in store for her very first Sugar Bolus!!! Give her some sugar! :)

Congrats Stephanie!
ReplyDeleteOMG! Woot!!! Thanks Hallie! Sending you an email right now. :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats Stephanie!! :) I'm looking forward to creating a new pouch for Adam!
ReplyDeleteThank for all the love Hallie! :) Sadly my shop is closed to new orders right now, but I will be back asap!! I'm still sewing up my orders from the past 2 weeks and then headed off on vacation.
If your readers like Too Sweet Boutique on facebook they can stay on top of my return. :)
Thanks again!!