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Recipe Week Day 2: Tracy and her Kick A$$ Chocolate Cake

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tracy is an awesome person who I had the pleasure of meeting in person a little while back!  Tracy and I share a love for all things Gymboree, big hair bows to match every outfit, and a fierce love and loyalty to our little ones (to name a few)!  

Fun Tracy Fact:  I found Tracy not long after Sweets was diagnosed.  Waaaayyy before I started blogging!  I was searching for information about insulin pumps and found a video of her doing a site change on the Superhero.  I bookmarked and watched it over and over.  I showed it Sweets, my parents, friends....  It made me feel so good to see someone else doing these things.  Someone else living my life.  I thought she and the Superhero were incredible!  It finally hit me a while after I started blogging and we became friends that she was the same person in the video!  Small world!

A BIG THANK YOU  to Tracy for sharing with us today!  Go stop by her blog and see just how incredible she is for yourself!

Tracy is sharing a DELICIOUS recipe today that I know you are going to love!  I mean really... how can anything called "Tracy's Kick A$$ Chocolate Cake" be bad?!?  Enjoy!

PS...  Don't forget to enter my Sugar Bolus this week!!!  Click HERE to enter!

This is a recipe for a cake my mom likes to refer to as “Tracy’s Kick A$$ Chocolate Cake.” And I will admit, it is pretty darn good! I have never really sat and figured out the carbs on this one and it depends on the size of the slice. We usually just give it our best SWAG and go with the flow. Enjoy!

Chocolate Dream Whip Pudding Cake

• 1 envelope Dream Whip whipped topping mix
• 1 pkg chocolate cake mix
• 1 pkg (4 serving size) Jell-O chocolate cook & serve pudding and pie filling
• 3 eggs
• 1 ¼ Cup water
• ¼ Cup oil

1) Heat oven to 350 degrees
2) Butter and flour bundt pan (I tried just using Pam cooking spray, it did NOT work well)
3) Beat all ingredients in large bowl with electric mixer at least 4 minutes
4) Pour into bundt pan
5) Bake for approximately 35-40 minutes, when knife comes out clean, it is done

Chocolate Glaze

• ½ Cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
• ½ Cup Milk chocolate chips
• 4 Tablespoons butter
• 2 Tablespoons corn syrup (Karo syrup)

1) Melt all ingredients together on stove (or in the microwave, on low heat)
2) Once all ingredients are melted pour over cake while still warm.

• After cake and glaze cool, sprinkle powdered sugar on top
• You could also cut up strawberries or use whole cherries to decorate the top
• We have also been known to use sprinkles on top.



  1. OK, going to try this. I once tried to make a chocolate cake from somehow had the ability to suck and absorb all of the moisture and saliva from your mouth. It left my guests chugging down cups of water.

  2. This looks amazing! But what in the world is dream whipped topping in packets??? Is it in the pudding aisle? Looks SO yummy!

  3. looks ah-mazing!

  4. I *heart* dream whip! I use it with little milk for the topping on a cherry cheesecake dessert-it's kinda like rich, thick cream/cool whip (only much better).
    And this looks amazing!!! : ) I will try this! ANd with melted chocolate chips? I can see why it kicks a$$! : )

  5. Yes, Meri, Dream Whip topping is in the pudding isle, usually on the top shelf. :)


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