At least I do.
So I am challenging YOU.
Yes, YOU. YOU. Quit looking over your shoulder. There is no one else sitting there in front of the computer. I'm talking to YOU.
I am challenging YOU to a race.
And that's big because I only run if something is chasing me.
But for diabetes and my daughter... I'll do just about anything.
This is where the Virtual 5k comes in. It was created by Tara at Mommy's a Runner. She is the amazing sister of the amazing Reyna at Beta Buddies! They have joined forces and created this wonderful event. The goal is to raise 5k by doing a 5k!
To register, click HERE. It's only $10. And all proceeds to go JDRF.
So to raise the 5k, that's 500 participants.
So what are you waiting for?!?
You don't actually have to run! I'm not! And I'm not doing it alone either. J, Sweets and I are all doing this together! We are going to walk around our neighborhood. For 3.1 miles. Sweets may "ride" a bit. So if we can do this, you can too!
You can run... or walk... or rollerblade... or skip... or bike... or swim... or bear crawl. Whatever. Just do it.
And did I mention PRIZES??? And INCENTIVES??? Well, there are. As if you needed another reason to do this.
Just click HERE to register. Then share this with your friends and family. See those little sharing buttons at the bottom of this post? Use them! Share this to Facebook and Twitter and get others involved.
You don't have to have diabetes to do this. Whether YOU have D, or your spouse, or your child, or your friend, or your Mom or Dad, or your Grandparent, or your cousin, or your no one you know personally.... Doesn't matter.
We NEED you. Sweets NEEDS you. And it's as easy as a little walk in your neighborhood.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

OMGoodness!!! THANK YOU Hallie. What an inspiring post. You are absolutely right. This fundraiser is cheap to participate in...therefore we need boost our spirits in doing something together AND to raise some dough.
Thank you so much for sharing the 5 k.