You know - some of the school supplies on Sweetpea's school supply list.
(You know - the list I helped CREATE?!? DUH...)
It just totally slipped my mind when I was at the grocery.
And then I just forgot.
And when I remembered it was always when I was NOT able to get these things...
And I STILL haven't sent them in...
And I feel.... Well, I feel disappointed in myself. Disappointed that something fell through the cracks.
I like having it all together. I try so hard....
But sometimes....
Diabetes is teaching me a lesson here. I'm sure of it.
And as I sat there feeling bad that I had sucked it up in the school supply department, I thought to myself, "Ok, so maybe I forgot a couple of things... but here's what I DID remember..."
And I thought of what MY (YOUR) school supply list is like...
Sure, there are crayons, glue, pencils, markers, glue sticks, tissues, and stuff like that.
But there is also:
- insulin
- extra pods
- teagaderm
- EMLA cream
- an extra meter
- extra batteries
- syringes
- alcohol wipes
- Calorie King book for carb counting
- extra lancing devices
- lancets
- DOUBLES of the meter, strips, and lancing devices to have other places
- a classroom emergency kit full of supplies
- Smarties
- Juice Boxes
- Glucose Gel
- Glucagon
- other snacks
- ketone strips
- a copy of our information sheet for every teacher who will work with Sweets (when you count special area classes - it's A LOT)
- a copy of the cgm directions for every teacher
- copies of her 504 plan
- orders from the endocrinologist
- bg flow charts showing what to do when
And I KNOW this list is leaving out some things...
Here's what that looks like...
So, you know what?!?
Who cares if I left out the paper towels and the eraser?
It will get there. I promise.
Sometimes life with type 1 in the mix makes you really look at what is truly important... what is truly essential...
It makes you humble as you are faced every day with the fact that you are not perfect. And you are not in control.
And just maybe... it helps you give yourself a break from time to time.
So the next time you forget to bolus for something, or mess up a SWAG, or get a "look" from someone who is judging you and your pancreating, or you overtreat a low or WHATEVER...
Tell yourself that you are human. You are allowed to make some mistakes.
And you are STILL AWESOME - even if you do forget the paper towels!