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Happy Birthday, Sweets!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Today, my baby turns SIX years old!

How did this happen???

I keep telling her that she is not allowed to be six.  I told her I was only putting five candles on her cake.  She said that she was turning six no matter how many candles she had.  So there. 

What's a mom to do?!?

We are in the midst of BIRTHDAY WEEK!  We had her birthday party for her friends Saturday night.  In the past, we have always combined our family party with our closest friends.  But this year... she wanted a REAL friend party.

The plan was a gymnastics party.  We had it booked and everything.  Then she broke her arm.  And out the window that went...  That was really the biggest thing that she was upset about concerning her arm.  I felt bad.  So I asked her what her second choice was...  And she said a sleepover party.


How much did I NOT want to do that?  But....  It's what she wanted!  So we did it!

She invited three of her closest friends and they had a BLAST!  She was a little miffed about having to stop the fun and test but other than that it all went well!

In fact, I had to laugh.  One of the things that she wanted to do was decorate cookies.  So we did.  But with all the excitement and running around, she was running on the lower side.  Not low.  Just low-ish.  All the kiddos were sitting around the table ready to decorate and waiting on Sweets to test.  They all have known her forever - so they all know about diabetes and testing.  And as we are testing Sweets, they all start saying, "Test me next!  It's my turn next!  Me!  Me!"  Only at a CWD's party would one of the games be "testing our blood sugar"!

There was pizza, cupcakes, sugar cookies, globs of icing....  And I totally SWAG'd it all.  And lookie here.... 

She even held steady between 90-150 all night - with about 20 g free before bed!

I'd DEFINITELY call it a success on the bg front!

But the best part was that she had FUN!  She got to do what her friends do.  She was so incredibly happy!  No matter that she has a broken arm and type 1 diabetes... she was just like everyone else!  That is priceless!

So, on this day, I will leave you with a special birthday message for my little girl.


I can't believe you are six years old!  That's not a baby anymore... You are growing up so fast I can hardly believe it.  No matter, you will ALWAYS be my baby...

You are such an incredible little girl.  You are so full of life, so full of excitement and joy and wonder!  I love how independent you are and how you insist on doing things for yourself. 

You are such a fighter.  Nothing holds you back.  Nothing stops you.  Your spirit and strength is such an inspiration to me. 

You are the bravest person I know.  You never complain.  You just keep going. 

I would do just about anything if it meant that you could live your life without diabetes.  I would give anything to be able to take it from you.  As your Mom, I want so desperately for you to live a long and healthy life.  And I despise diabetes at times for messing with you.  No one messes with my little girl.

But I want you to know that although we may struggle with this disease, it never lessens my love for you.  I love YOU for who you are.  And that includes diabetes.  Diabetes will never change the way I feel about you.  I knew you were a miracle the minute I laid eyes on you.  And nothing has changed that.  If I could go pick out a child from all the people in the whole world, I'd pick you.  Just the way you are.  Each and every time.  With never a hesitation. 

You are such an incredible gift!  You may get presents on your birthday - but your Dad and I got the best present ever the day you were born.  YOU.

Happy Birthday, my sweet girl!  I love you more than you will ever know!

Love, Mom



  1. Happy Birthday to our darling granddaughter. We love you sooooo much and you will also always be OUR "baby" no matter how old you are. Also, Mommy, how you about "Sweets" is exactly how we have always felt and always will feel about you. We love you all so very much and are so proud of you.

  2. Hope she had a fab-tabulous day!!

  3. awww...what a perfect party for a beautiful little girl. And happy Birth-day to you, too :)

  4. Happy Birthday Sweet girl!! :)


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