It was a lot of fun - I really love Instagram!!
In case you don't follow me there (and why not, anyway?? Click here...), I decided to post the pics here!
Day One: Struggle
This is the reason she was struggling to stay on the balance beam at gymnastics.
Just a small sample... but so glad we have them!
Day Three: Fingers
Sweet little fingers. Countless little holes.
Day Four: OOPS!
A bleeder. It wasn't our fault but still...
Not perfect - but pretty darn close!
Day Six: Feet
Sweet feet. Love her!
Day Seven: Gear
Cheer Gear at her first game. And no - there was no one in front of that number.
I got a cool blue sparkly WDD T-shirt from Stick Me Designs!
Day Nine: Blood
Doesn't happen often - but this is what we found when I took off her pod. Of course, this also happened the night J was having his second *SURPRISE* heart surgery and that *SURPRISE* pod change was the reason I couldn't get back to the hospital before he went in for surgery. D affects EVERYTHING. In ways you never could even imagine!
Day Ten: Low Treatment
Notice a pattern??
This was on Sweetpea's second Diaversary. After she got out of the hospital for low induced seizures. She deserved a cupcake!
This Sweet's best boy buddy. They love each other. The first time they met she was maybe 2 months old and he was 7 months old. If not earlier. He checks Dex for her when they are playing. He's pricked his finger. He doesn't see diabetes. He sees Sweets. This was in Florida last summer - favorite pic!!!
Day Thirteen: Meter
And an ugly meter, at that! This was one day at MY school while I was getting my room ready. Out of the blue. No warning. But it hit her hard. She curled up on the carpet and went to sleep and I kept peering at her making sure she was breathing.
Day Fourteen: Diafail
Sometimes she's high. Sometimes she's low. Sometimes both in the same day. Same hour!
Friends at school - wearing BLUE! You can't tell which ones have D. On the right of Sweets is Ally (of Life is Like a Box of Chocolates fame) and her sister Jessi on the left. So lucky to have these awesome girls at her school. Ally takes care of her!
Day Sixteen: BLUE
This is what a D Mama's night stand looks like. Of course, the alarm is also my phone that I'm taking the pic with!
Day Seventeen: Random
This was Sweets making tally marks and counting our the carbs in her goldfish crackers!
Doesn't everyone get cake on the first day of school?!?
Day Nineteen: Strips
We used test strips to make our WDD Postcards!
Day Twenty: Friends
Trick or Treating with friends. She always goes low. I should know this by now.
Day Twenty One: HATE
I hate what diabetes does to her little body. I hate that this number is because I prebolused breakfast a mere 10 minutes early and then it took longer than usual to get the donut treats. I hate that I can't take this disease away from her.
Day Twenty Two: Diet Drink
She only drinks water. Juice for lows. Nothing else. She doesn't like it. Never had a soda. And here you thought she got diabetes because I put soda in her baby bottles.
This was me at a hayride and pumpkin patch. Sifting through the trash in front of all these people giving me weird looks. Not that I cared!
Day Twenty Four: Unicorn
Sweets got this unicorn with the money she got (instead of candy) for Halloween. She LOVES unicorns! Especially pink or purple ones. She has tons.
Day Twenty Five: Exercise
She is an incredibly active kid. She dances, cheers, plays tennis, does gymnastics....
I couldn't choose. I love this one.
And this one. She was hamming it up for the camera here. She was not really sad!
I love her beautiful blue eyes! We will do everything we can to make sure those peepers stay healthy for years and years.
Day Twenty Seven: Shoes
Girl loves her shoes. Espcially boots. Just like her Mama.
Day Twenty Eight: Advocate
We LOVE advocating for T1 awareness and funding! This was when we went to Washington with JDRF and met with some of our Senators and Representatives. It was an incredible experience.
Day Twenty Nine: Stockpile
This is our D cabinet. It's huge. I love it. I hoard D supplies. I worry that we won't be able to get what we need. This may or may not be rational. It's also a hot mess and needs organized.
Day Thirty: CURE
This says it all. This is my baby. She needs a cure. Not in ten years. Not some day. Not just better equipment (although that is important, too). She needs a CURE. And she needs it NOW.