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Waving Goodbye: Thoughts from the Bottom of the Beanstalk

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Thoughts at the Bottom of a Beanstalk

Once upon a time there was a little boy named Jack who was about to climb his very first beanstalk. He had a fresh haircut and a brand-new book bag. Even though his friends in the neighborhood had climbed this same beanstalk almost every day last year, this was Jack's first day and he was a little nervous. So was his mother.

Early in the morning she brought him to the foot of the beanstalk. She talked encouragingly to Jack about all the fun he would have that day and how nice his giant would be. She reassured him that she would be back to pick him up at the end of day. For a moment they stood together, silently holding hands, gazing up at the beanstalk. To Jack it seemed much bigger than it had when his mother had pointed it out on the way to the store last week. His mother thought it looked big, too. She swallowed. Maybe she should have held Jack out a year...

Jack's mother straightened his shirt one last time, patted his shoulder and smiled down at him. She promised to stay and wave while he started climbing. Jack didn't say a word. He walked forward, grabbed a low-growing stem, and slowly pulled himself up to the first leaf. He balanced there for a moment and then climbed more eagerly to the second leaf, then to the third and soon he had vanished into a high tangle of leaves and stems with never a backward glance at his mother. She stood alone at the bottom of the beanstalk, gazing up at the spot where Jack had disappeared. There was no rustle, no movement, no sound to indicate that he was anywhere inside. "Sometimes," she thought, "it's harder to be the one who waves good-bye than it is to be the one who climbs the beanstalk."

She wondered how Jack would do. Would he miss her? How would he behave? Did his giant understand that little boys sometimes acted silly when they felt unsure? She fought down an urge to spring up the stalk after Jack and maybe duck behind a bean to take a peek at how he was doing. "I'd better not. What if he saw me?" She knew that Jack was really old enough to handle this on his own. She reminded herself that after all, this was thought to be an excellent beanstalk and that everyone said his giant was not only kind but had outstanding qualifications. "It's not so much that I'm worried about him," she thought, rubbing the back of her neck. "It's just that he's growing up and I'm going to miss him." Jack's mother turned to leave. "Jack's going to have lots of bigger beanstalks to climb in his life" she told herself. "Today's the day he starts practicing for them... And today's the day I start practicing something too: Cheering him on and waving good-bye."

--Author Unknown

This is a little story that I send home with my students on the first day of school. I think that it's so true and so appropriate. And as I read it, I realized how true it is on an entirely different level.

As parents of children with diabetes, we feel the same worries as other parents. We worry about our children's safety and how they will acclimate to school. We wonder if they will behave and if they will miss us.

But we have other things to worry about, too.

Scarier things.

We worry about mealtimes, insulin doses, if anyone knows how to treat diabetes, if our children will alert when they feel low... or high... and if anyone will listen. We worry about hypoglycemic reactions. We worry that the pump will quit working. We worry that the finger stick was not accurate due to dirty fingers. We worry about birthday treats. We wonder if our children will be left out. We wonder if they feel different. We worry that they will be sent to the nurse on their own. We worry that they will start to crash and no one will recognize the symptoms. We worry that they will go low on the bus. We worry that no one knows how to use glucagon.  We worry that diabetes will affect their learning.  We worry that no one really knows what to do to keep them safe and healthy. 

We worry that no one but us takes diabetes seriously.

Yes, our worries are different.

But there still comes a time, whether it's school or diabetes management, where we will have to step back and watch as they climb the beanstalk on their own.

I often think that, at least now, it IS harder to be the one who waves goodbye than the one who climbs.

Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm glad that while Sweets happily skips and sings through life, I'm the one that's up at night. I'm the one worrying about diabetes and carbs and numbers. And I wish I could take on that burden forever. Because I know that someday, she will take over.

I'm glad, that at least for now, my Sweets is not climbing a very tall beanstalk. I'm glad that I have a little more time....

But even now, I know, my job is to begin practicing the cheering her on and the waving goodbye.

Because no matter how hard it is for us to do it (at the least the waving part), that's our goal. To get our children to the place where they are confident and capable. Whether it's going to school, taking care of diabetes, or handling anything else life throws their way.

And knowing the toughness and tenacity of our kids, I know they are going to be just fine.

And so are we. 

**This is something I post most years at this time.  It's always appropriate and I hope you enjoyed!**

How to #showmeyourpump: Vote for Sierra!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

You all know that Sweets and I are BIG fans of Sierra Sandison - aka Miss Idaho!

If you didn't get the chance to check out our interview with her, just click here!

I am so impressed with how Sierra is using her platform to raise awareness for type 1 diabetes with her #showmeyourpump campaign and her message that what makes you unique also makes you beautiful! 

That's a powerful message.

And it's especially powerful to a young girl...
who also wears an insulin pump...
and a Dexcom cgm...

A girl who is tired of the questions and stares.  On Sunday, Sweets and her older cousin were at a playground.  A lady asked her cousin if she had a ketchup packet taped to her arm.  Luckily. they thought this was hilarious.  But really....

Seeing a confident, athletic, intelligent... and yes, beautiful woman wearing her pump is a pretty cool thing.  That helps her in a way that my words and reassurance can not.

Seeing that on the Miss America stage?  As one of the top 15 contestants? 


So... let's make this happen! 

America gets to vote for one contestant to make the top 15 as the "People's Choice".

Each contestant made her own video introducing herself.  And, as you would expect, Sierra's is full of pumps, D peeps, and overall awesomeness! 

Help Sierra get into the top 15! 

Click HERE to watch her video and vote!


Just Home Church Me: The Sunday Morning Fiasco

Monday, August 18, 2014

"I'm NOT going back!  You can just home church me!"

This was A's reaction to going back to church after the fiasco a few weeks ago. 

You may remember me mentioning this little incident in my post about our Nightscout/CGM in the Cloud experience.  But maybe I should start from the beginning...

A has always been a little nervous about going somewhere new or doing something without us... if it involves her being taken care of by people who don't know anything about diabetes.  While she's really doing a great job of learning and doing some of her own care, she's not yet able to be self sufficient and she's not confident in her abilities. 

She just feels safer when she knows that the people in charge know she has diabetes and understand what to do. 

That's understandable.

Church is not much different than school.  We have informed the folks in charge about her diabetes.  We created information sheets that explain type 1 and have specific instructions for what to do.  Those sheets stay in her classroom.  Samples of those information sheets can be found to the right under the "School and Other Caregiver Info" tab!

Our church is large but we have a great notification system for when we are needed. 

And we're needed a lot!  They know us at the main desk.  We don't get through too many services without her needing us for something.  I have no idea why... Maybe it's the dancing to the music or games they play or just the air... She can be perfect all day and go to church and need something. 

It has never been an issue.

And she's been in the same room for a whole year. 

Of course, I thought we had just gotten to the place where she felt comfortable.  She wasn't scared that she would need us and no one would listen to her or understand.  We had gone through these scenarios with her when she worried.  We had talked about how she should handle it.  But we had reassured her she would be fine.


We usually go to church on Saturday night.  But we decided to try Sundays because we've had so much going on.  The first Sunday was no problem.  The second Sunday was a disaster.

I don't go in with her to this room.  Unlike the younger rooms, parents drop the kids off at the door.  And I've stopped telling the people about her diabetes.  I hate making it a bigger deal than it needs to be.  I know that, even though she is sometimes nervous, she also doesn't want to be pointed out as different.  I've working on giving her Independence. 

So this week we dropped her off and went into the big room for our service. 

As I was sitting there, I started thinking that she really should take her kit with her now.  She carried it during FFL and it wasn't a problem.  And I could even make a little laminated card to attach to the three rings inside that is a little cheat sheet.  A "If you are this number.... eat this..." kind of thing. 

Our service was over and we went to pick her up.

Jason even commented that he was surprised we had made it through without being needed!

I got to her room and Sweets was standing there waiting for me.  She's usually playing so I knew something was up.

"MOM.  I'm low.  I beeped low and no one would listen to me."

I looked at her Dexcom.



What in the world....

So I gave her some smarties and asked her what happened.

"I beeped low.  I told the teacher and she said I was fine.  I said I needed you and that I was beeping and they said that my parents could change my battery later.  I went to another teacher and they wouldn't listen either."

So.... you can imagine, right?  The steam rising?  The anger building?  Mama bear mode...

But.... at the same time, I knew we were at a different service than usual and they didn't know her as well.  I knew that they didn't do it on purpose.  I knew they just didn't know better. 

EVEN THOUGH... there's no reason for them NOT to know because the paperwork was there.  EVEN THOUGH... they could have killed her.

I had Sweets point out the lady who she had told and we went over to have a little chat.

Don't worry - I was very nice and kind.  But I did make it clear in no uncertain terms that this could NEVER happen again, that she could have DIED, and the paper work is in the room and needs to be read. 

She was very nice.  She felt bad.  She didn't do it on purpose.  She's just a volunteer.

Which is great and all.... but she still put my child's health in danger. 

I'm trying to be understanding.

I also went to the main desk to talk to the person in charge of the children's ministry.  She, gladly, knew right away that what happened was unacceptable.  She immediately went to the room to talk to the volunteers.  And promised that it would not happen again.  I appreciated her support. 

So, I think the situation has been resolved.  I think the paperwork has been pointed out again and there's been a little education. 

I'm not mad. 

I'm more... tired.  Exasperated.  Frustrated.  Sad. 

Because this is just another reminder that we can never really let our guard down. 

Not even for an hour at church. 

But what is worse than that... is that Sweets doesn't feel safe.

Her fears were realized. 

She did everything she was supposed to do... and no one listened. 

And she is NOT happy about going back. 

But, we think that with having her take her bag and new little cheat sheet... AND with us watching her bg the entire thanks to the Nightscout, she's willing to give it a try. 

Not that she really had a choice, but...

This is just another lesson in this crazy life with T1D...
that mistakes happen.
that people don't listen and do what they are supposed to do.
that you've got to be responsible for yourself.
and that no matter what, you've got to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, swallow your fear and try again.

Even if you are only eight.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Just wanted to take a minute out of this busy weekend to announce the winner of the Lauren's Hope $50 gift certificate!!

A big THANK YOU to Lauren's Hope for celebrating the blog's "new do" and my Blogaversary with me!  If you didn't win, click over to right side on their logo and you can still shop for a beautiful (or manly) piece of jewelry!  The quality is fantastic and I know you won't be disappointed!

Thanks to everyone who entered and without further ado, our winner is.... 


Thanks again, everyone!  Have a great Sunday! 

Our CGM in the Cloud Experience: #wearenotwaiting

Thursday, August 14, 2014

So I drank the Kool-Aid.

You knew I would.  When have I ever NOT jumped into new technology with both feet?!?

I can't help it!  I love gadgets.  I love trying out new things. 

Soooo.... I recently set us up with the Nightscout/CGM in the Cloud.

I'll admit... at first I didn't think we needed it.

And we honestly, we don't.  NEED it.  A's Dexcom receiver can sit on our bedside table and pick her up in her room at night.  It will pick her up anywhere in our house.  She doesn't go on lots of playdates or (ever) with a sitter other than my parents (who text us her numbers and questions all the time anyway).  We are blessed with a great school nurse who takes wonderful care of her at school. 

Jason didn't think we needed it, either.  But I WANTED it.  Just because I wanted to try it out.  And for the times - few and far between (I THOUGHT) that we would use it.  So we discussed....

And then we went to church.  Sweets has always been nervous about church... about them not knowing what to do for her or calling us when she needs us.  Long story short (I'll write more later - Promise!)... Her Dexcom beeped low.  She told her teacher.  She told MANY teachers.  They all ignored her.  And when I picked her up, she was 49 and VERY upset.

That was all it took.

I went out and bought what I needed to set up the system. 

If you want to find out more about HOW this works and exactly WHAT you need... click here for info and search for the CGM in the Cloud group on Facebook.  Those folks are wonderful!  They are full of information and advice.  24/7.  (Seriously, I asked a question the other night close to 1am and got a ton of answers and advice!)  I'm no expert... FAR from it  So go to them for all your serious inquiries!

But, just in case you don't know what I'm talking about (that happens to me a lot!), here's the deal. 

Some very smart people created this system where you can hook up your Dexcom (only Dexcom right now) CGM to an Android phone.  And it will... somehow that I don't totally understand because I'm not that techy... send the info from the Dexcom to a website that you can access from anywhere.  ANYWHERE. 

Let's just pause for a second here. 

You can see your child's (or spouse or friend or whoever's) CGM graph from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.  As long as you have Internet access.  So your person can be across the planet and you can still know if she's low. 


And get this... you can get a Pebble watch... and it will put their info ON YOUR WRIST.  All day... Just glance down and get real time blood sugar. 


This is our experience so far....


How did we not do this sooner?  This has been amazing in so many ways that I never could have expected or imagined before we started! 

This is what our system looks like...

That is our Dexcom hooked up to a Moto G phone.  I got the phone at Target for $59.  I got the cables on Amazon for about $15 for both.  We were not going to do a phone plan, but I couldn't connect to our home wifi so I went with Ting which is supposedly the cheapest way to go.  We're thinking around $10-$20 a month depending on if I can get wifi working or not!

There is lots of talk about the port on the Dexcom being fragile and the need to keep it secured and in a case that will protect it. 

I can't say that ours seems too fragile... BUT... I'm using the old Dexcom for the "rig" that I accidentally put in the washing machine.  We were out of warranty so we were able to get a new one (Thank Goodness!  That was the last time I was allowed to wash anything... so it kind of worked out nicely for me!)  Honestly, I would have been a lot more nervous about it if we didn't have our "regular" Dexcom as well.  Also, because this is not our "regular" Dex, I have yet to unhook that purple cord you see on Dex.  I think the constant plugging and unplugging can cause issues.  So it's nice to be able to leave it plugged in all the time.  (The Dex gets charged from the phone so charging the Dex itself is not necessary.)

This is how we carry it around...

The first thing I did was put it in A's DS case.  That worked well.  It's nice because it's hard.  But it's kind of big and bulky.  For right now - when I am still the one with the "rig" in my purse most of the time, I wanted something smaller. 

This was our first attempt...

I got this wallet at Target for about $14.  It fits in there snugly and it's smaller than the DS case.  It's leather and I liked the wrist strap.  A liked the purple and the butterfly!  I also like the compartments for each piece inside.  Some people use a smaller cable than the purple one we have - and that can help not take up as much room.  This worked really well for us.  I didn't feel like it was too delicate!

But what I REALLY wanted was a Vera Bradley case.  Because... I just like Vera.  I found one that had a shoulder strap but the cables would be outside and I didn't like that. 

Then I went to a Vera outlet (holy cow) and found this wallet!

It's a little bigger than the purple one in length but smaller in width.  The pieces are not held as tightly... which could make it more fragile... but also keeps it from overheating.  Not that overheating has been an issue but it can get a little warm.   I don't feel like it's fragile.  I also like the wrist strap.  And it matches A's bookbag.  Bonus.

Of course, there are a ton of options here and it's all personal preference.  There are some cool looking hard cases out there!

We thought we might use it off and on...


We have used it non stop since I hooked it up. 

Even when she's in the same room or house, it's nice to just look at the phone or the computer and see her number instead of pushing the buttons on Dex.  (That seems lazy... but it's true!)

Here's what it looks like on my phone...

See that blue line?  That's what is predicted... How cool is that?  We have found it to be quite accurate.  

 Of course, it didn't take but a day before I decided I needed the watch!  So I bought a Pebble!

With just a glance at my wrist, I can see what is going on!  

I thought it might be too much information... but I haven't found it to be that way.  It's nice to look and see... Right now as I'm writing this, Sweets is asleep upstairs and I am keeping track with just a glance at my watch.  As with anything, it's only too much if you let it be. 

The other nice thing about the Pebble is that it will not just alert you to highs and lows but also alert you if it's not getting data for some reason.  Or she's out of range.  And it seems like that happens faster than normal with the regular system.  And let me tell you... when it alerts to a below 55 low - the thing goes insane.  No way you'd miss that.  It about vibrates the rings off my fingers!

Here's some other ways it's come in handy...

We took a little road trip and it was nice to be able to either look at my wrist or at the phone to see what her bg was doing.  Especially because we had upped the basal to fight the inactivity of the car and we wanted to make sure we didn't over do it.  

Today we went horseback riding.  We were going to be out on the trails for an hour.  She's been going low... and breakfast insulin would be peaking... Here's what we did.  We had her wear her "regular" Dexie in her pouch with a few tabs - just in case.  I wore the "rig".  And monitored her the entire time just by looking at my watch.  Amazeballs.

This is me wearing the "rig".  It's all in the Vera case.  I undid the wrist strap and put it through my belt loops and then attached it to the ring on the other side.  It hung nicely at my side - working and keeping her safe throughout the ride! 

Sweets is NOT wanting to go back to church.  She's always been nervous that exactly what happened would happen.  That she would be low and no one would listen.  BUT... because she knows that we will be watching her bg the entire time... she feels safe enough to go back. 

I know that we feel a lot more comfortable with her going to playdates and parties on her own because we can watch.  I don't have to sit in the room during dance or cheer practice.  She is able to have a lot more freedom and we can still make sure that safe. 

We were not going to send it to school originally... but now we are planning on it.  For us, our plan is to have her keep the "rig" in her bookbag all day.  It won't pick her up when she's at lunch or recess or specials.  But that's ok with us.  Like I said, we have been blessed with a great nurse.  We plan on giving her the website so she can see A's bg.  I can see this coming in handy if she's been low or high and she wants to make sure she's responding properly without having to call her out of class.  I can also see this being useful during testing.  And I'm sure that it will be useful at other times that I haven't even thought of yet! 

Of course, the possibilities are endless!  This could be amazing for a situation where there is no nurse... or the person in charge is not doing their job very well.  This could help aid kids to do their own management with the safety net of someone else watching, too.  It can make wearing a cgm a little more discreet. Because you can get texts on the Pebble, it could allow parents to text what to do to their child's wrist.  Seriously... endless possibilities and situations where this would be useful!

This technology is amazing.  Even J, who was very skeptical, thinks that it's definitely been worth doing.

We just feel... safer.  More in control. 

Two things that are priceless when dealing with type 1 diabetes.

We both highly recommend it! 

And we aren't the only ones!  Go on over to Houston, We Have a Problem and check out Laura's vlog about her Nightscout system!  

To read my update on our cloud experience click here!

Back to School In Style: A Giveaway with Lauren's Hope

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Notice anything different?!?

I'm so excited to be able to share my new, updated blog design! 

As much as I LOVE the old photo of Sweets, it's not exactly how she looks anymore.  It makes me kind of sad but my baby is growing up!  So, in honor of my five year blogaversary, I decided it was time for the blog to grow up as well! 

Everything is in pretty much the same place.  There are links above where you can read about us, all about our diagnosis story, learn about our D devices: Dexcom and Omnipod, and how to contact me!  To the right side, you can find a link to all of my school and caregiver documents.  And waaaay up at the top in purple, you can click to follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram.  There's also a spot on the right side if you would like to get my posts delivered right to your email inbox each time I blog!  How's that for door to door service!

To CELEBRATE our new, stylish look, I've teamed up with the wonderful folks at Lauren's Hope to do a giveaway!

One lucky winner will get a $50 gift certificate good for ANYTHING in the Lauren's Hope store! 

They have women's jewelry...

men's jewelry...

things for boys...

and things for girls!

They even have a cute bracelet with the JDRF shoe!

And this cute jelly bracelet especially for diabetes!

Don't like bracelets?  No problem!  They have necklaces, too! We like the one with the princess... but there are necklaces of all kinds for both boys and girls!

They even have Tech ID's!  Every MyID™ product comes with a 1-year service subscription and bears up to three methods of accessing your key medical and contact information: scannable QR code, website, and phone number.

One of the first things we did when Sweets was diagnosed was to find her an alert bracelet.  She had never worn ANYTHING before and so I didn't have high hopes.  But we looked together online and she picked something that she liked.  Something pretty!  And she's never taken it off.

Sweets wears her bracelet all the time.  She likes the ones with all the pretty beads!  She swims in it.  Dances in it.  Wears it to school.  Showers in it.  Sleeps in it.  It takes a beating.... but it is still in good shape!  She's had her current bracelet for at least a year... I honestly can't remember when we got it!  So you can be assured that the quality is good! This is the one she's wearing right now... The "DIVA".  Of course!

I'm going to order her another one, though, so she has a back up... just in case!  Another back to school item!  But this one is much prettier than the pencils and glue!

Want to win your own stylish back to school accessory? 

Here's your chance!  Good Luck!


Rock Your Dexcom

Monday, August 11, 2014

"HEY! What's that thing on your arm?"

This is what we heard walking down the aisle at JoAnn Fabrics the other day. 

Sweets and I were out getting things for my classroom and the projects I'm working on.  She was in front of me and stopped dead in her tracks when she heard that.

And she looked at me with this... LOOK... as if to say, "Seriously?  How rude.  I'm not answering.  This sucks.  What do I do?  Handle this, ok?"

Honestly, I was as shocked as she was.  It's not like she isn't asked her Dexcom site on her arm from time to time.  It's just usually not in such a ... loud ... way. 

My first instinct was just ignore the rude little bugger.  He was just about her age.  I'm guessing 7.  Sitting in the shopping cart while his sister (maybe) and babysitter (I really don't think the lady was his mother.  I'm hoping not because if that was MY kid we would have had an immediate discussion about manners and apologized.) looked at items.  But we were so close... the aisles were packed to tight with all kinds of crafting delights that we were practically touching each other. 

And since she had stopped...

"Do you want to tell him what it is?"

Sweets just looked embarrassed, shook her head, and mumbled something that sounded like "I don't remember..."

So, in my very nice teacher voice I said, "It's her continuous glucose monitor.  It tells the amount of sugar she has in her blood every five minutes.  Pretty cool, huh?" 

"Oh.  Ummm..... Yeah." he said.

I smiled sweetly.  And we walked on. 

Lots of times comments like that just roll of her back.  But this one bothered her.  I could tell.

"You know, Sweets, you don't have to be embarrassed your site.  There's nothing to be ashamed of.  It's part of what makes you so amazing.  It tells people how incredibly strong you are.  Most people just have no idea what it is."

"Yeah, I know, Mom.  That was just really..... RUDE."

"Yes, it was!"

And I tried really hard to focus on our shopping and not let her see how that comment bothered me, too.  Not because I'm embarrassed or ashamed.  But because I hate that she has to deal with it.  To answer the questions.  To put up with the stares.  Because sometimes that just gets really old. 

Not five minutes later, Dexie alerted us to a low. 

She was 43.  Lovely.

As I was watching her laying in the middle of ribbon aisle eating some smarties I couldn't help but think that this was just one of those days when diabetes was NOT playing nicely.  And my heart just broke again.

I knew the little boy's comment had really bothered her when it was the FIRST thing she told her Dad when we got home.  And her Grandparents.  She was appalled at his lack of manners. 

So.... when Lora sent me a picture of an idea of how to dress up your Dexcom sensor.... I jumped on it!  I mean... if people are going to stare anyway.... they may as well stare at something pretty!

The idea was to use Jamberry nails to cover the sensor.

In case you haven't heard of them, Jamberry nails are wraps for you nails that you can use instead of nail polish!  I was drawn to them because I love polished nails but I HATE it when they start chipping.  So this seemed like a great solution and I bought a set.  I had kept the leftovers (you get a bunch and choose what best fits your nails) so I immediately grabbed them.

Sweets thought this was a great idea so on it went!

(Please excuse our peeling tape!)

I think it looks pretty cute!  As of right now, it's been on a week and is showing no signs of peeling off.  I used the biggest one that comes in the set.  It doesn't fit my nails so it kind of works out well!

If you're interested in Jamberry to spice up your Dex sensor or your own nails, check out my friend, Jessica's, site!  Jessica has two beautiful children and her daughter just happens to have Type 1!

And because she's a D Mama.... look at this awesome set she designed in her studio!

I bought a pair so I can rock some D awareness at our JDRF Walk and during Diabetes Awareness month!  And now Sweets will be able to rock them on her Dexie site too!

While it doesn't take away the sting when some little twerp rudely yells at you in a store... Or when you're low and just totally sick of diabetes being a pain in the rump... It does help a little and bring a smile to her face. 

And we will take all the smiles we can get!

** I was not asked to write about Jamberry nor was I compensated in any way.  I just thought it was cool and that I'd share it with you!**

Pin Your Heart Out

Monday, August 4, 2014

Do you love Pinterest as much as I do? 
I.  LOVE. 

I love Pinterest!  I love all the creative ideas I can find there.  And the inspiring quotes.  And the things that make me laugh.  And especially all the wonderful activities for my classroom!

I really wasn't sure if the Pinterest world and the Diabetes world would combine... but they do!  I've found links to great articles and blogs, inspiring quotes, and even shopping links for diabetes things like meter bags, pump pouches, and more!

This month, I was asked to be a Guest Pinner for WEGO Health!  I will be pinning diabetes related tidbits to their Parenting and Family Health Board!  You can check it out here

You can also follow me on Pinterest!  Click here to see all my boards!

A few months ago, I was honored receive WEGO Health's Advocating for Another award!  See my badge over there on the right?!?  I still have no idea who nominated me (so if it was you, THANK YOU!) but I was completely blown away to actually win!  I love being able to use the WEGO platform to continue to advocate for and educate about Type 1 Diabetes! 

You can check out all the other award winners here!

Happy Pinning!


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